Cruise between
nature and culture

Organized groups
About the activity

The Cruise between nature and culture will allow you to enjoy a pleasant moment on the outskirts of Saint-Bernard Island in the company of a historical figure. This is an opportunity to discover the history and natural riches of this exceptional site through various captivating anecdotes!

The package includes:

  • An animated cruise lasting 1h30, around Île Saint-Bernard;
  • Accès gratuit au refuge faunique Marguerite-D’Youville pour la journée ;
  • A reserved parking space for your bus;
  • A 10% discount at the Café de l’île and its ecological boutique.


Possibility of offering the package outside the proposed hours (depending on availability).

For more info: / 450 698-3133 #250

  • Minimum: 40 attendees
  • Maximum: 50 attendees

Cruise : $69.95 / person
One (1) free entry offered for groups of 45 participants or more.

Extra 1 – Guided walk: $10 / person
Add a guided walk on the Île Saint-Bernard estate to discover the heritage remains OR a guided walk on the hiking trails of the Marguerite-D’Youville wildlife refuge.

Add a meal at the Manoir D’Youville hotel:
Extra 2 – Dinner: $19.50 / person
Extra 3 – Dinner: $21.50 / person

Plus taxes.

Schedule and activity adaptable according to the physical conditions of the group. Please indicate this at the time of your reservation!

© 2023 All rights reserved to Héritage Saint-Bernard

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Avis aux visiteurs, un événement sportif ( la course  en sentier : Au Rythme De Nos Foulées) aura lieu dans les sentiers du refuge faunique ce dimanche 3 novembre, en avant-midi. 

Durant cette course sportive, il y aura un achalandage accru dans les sentiers et la priorité sera donnée aux coureurs.

N’hésitez pas à encourager les sportifs lors de votre visite!

Prévoyez votre visite en covoiturant ou en utilisant le stationnement incitatif du Collège Héritage.

Funding Month

Du 3 mai au 5 juin 2024,
contribuez à la conservation des milieux naturels