Adopt a bench

“Adopt a bench” project

In addition to contributing to the conservation and development of the refuge faunique Marguerite-D'Youville, a site rich in varied ecosystems, this project allows people and businesses to honor a loved one, a precious moment or any simply to share a meaningful message.

  • The thirty benches ready to receive their personalized commemorative plaque are distributed along eight kilometers of trails, sheltering remarkable fauna and flora.
  • Whether along the dikes, in the forest or next to a feeder, the rest stops and rest areas where the benches are located offer exceptional views of important natural environments, just like on the Châteauguay River, the St. Lawrence River and the island of Montreal.

« Puisque chaque randonnée se transforme en un moment unique, le programme Adopt a bench est l’occasion de souligner notre respect au refuge, patrimoine naturel collectif, au profit des générations futures. »

— Marie-Hélène Dorais, directrice générale d’Héritage Saint-Bernard

The person or company participating in the project will choose a bench located in the refuge faunique Marguerite-D’Youville, depending on availability.

The prices below include the making and installation of a commemorative plaque on the chosen bench, as well as the maintenance of the bench over a period of 10 years, as well as five (5) individual daily accesses* to the refuge faunique Marguerite-D'Youville.

  • Individual component: $1,500 + taxes = $1,724.63
  • Corporate component: $2,000 + taxes = $2,299.50

On request, a tax receipt is provided by Héritage Saint-Bernard.

*The five (5) individual daily accesses are valid for the total duration of the contract and will be sent by post at the time of the transaction to the address provided in this contract.

→ Document technique
→ Rental contract

The “Adopt a Bench” project is first and foremost an opportunity to support Héritage Saint-Bernard’s mission, namely the protection and enhancement of natural environments, including the refuge faunique Marguerite-D’Youville. It is also an opportunity to tell a story, for the benefit of future generations.


  • Le projet soutient la gestion, l’entretien et l’aménagement du territoire, ainsi que les aménagements fauniques et écotouristiques.

Located on île Saint-Bernard in Châteauguay, the refuge fuanique Marguerite-D’Youville offers eight kilometers of trails. Covering an area of ​​223 hectares, it has been protected in perpetuity since 2010, to the delight of the 70,000 annual visitors.

Property of the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks – MELCCFP, the refuge is managed by Héritage Saint-Bernard with a view to protecting wildlife and habitats.

Everything for a rejuvenating nature escape, just a stone's throw from home!

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Funding Month

Du 3 mai au 5 juin 2024,
contribuez à la conservation des milieux naturels