Carbone Scol'Ere

Atelier in class
About the atelier

An investigation into climate change and greenhouse gases in five 2-hour atelier!

Experience a stimulating project that will lead your students to acquire knowledge and discover new eco-responsible habits through original games in science and technology.

Major themes covered: consumption, energy, transportation, and waste.

Turnkey and free project including all tools for students and teachers.

Pour les élèves des 2nd nd and 3rd cycles of elementary school and all secondary schoolnd cycles du primaire du Centre de services scolaire des Grandes Seigneuries

2 hours per workshop for a series of five (5) atelier.


Limited spaces – act quickly!

Throughout the school year

  • The animation is offered to one class at a time.
  • The activity is designed to be interactive so that students can have fun while learning.
  • The team adapts to the ongoing health measures
  • The Carbone Scol'Ere program is offered free of charge. Depending on the number of groups wishing to participate, funding must be obtained. Submit your interest to prioritize your participation!

For more information, contact us at 450 698-3133 ext. 250 or at

Valide selon le type d’activité que vous sélectionnez

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Avis aux visiteurs, un événement sportif ( la course  en sentier : Au Rythme De Nos Foulées) aura lieu dans les sentiers du refuge faunique ce dimanche 3 novembre, en avant-midi. 

Durant cette course sportive, il y aura un achalandage accru dans les sentiers et la priorité sera donnée aux coureurs.

N’hésitez pas à encourager les sportifs lors de votre visite!

Prévoyez votre visite en covoiturant ou en utilisant le stationnement incitatif du Collège Héritage.

Funding Month

Du 3 mai au 5 juin 2024,
contribuez à la conservation des milieux naturels