Forest detective

Offered in the fall
About the atelier

Sortie idéale pour les 2nd nd and 3rd cycles of elementary school and all secondary schoolnd cycles du primaire

When the trees begin to lose their leaves and the birds prepare for their journey south, it's the ideal time to follow the traces of animals getting ready for winter and discover how they will adapt!

Through games, rallies, and observation techniques, experienced naturalists invite children to discover the fascinating adaptations of wildlife and even lend them a helping hand!

The activity includes:

  • Groups will be supervised by our animation team. We ask educators and teachers to stay with the groups to assist with management and make the most of the day.
  • Access to the site for the day for bus drivers, students, and chaperones.
  • Dedicated indoor spaces and/or picnic tables reserved for students.

On Saint-Bernard Island in Châteauguay, at the heart of the Marguerite-D’Youville Wildlife Refuge.

Pour les élèves du préscolaire, des 2nd nd and 3rd cycles of elementary school and all secondary schoolnd cycles du primaire
Maximum 4 groupes à la fois

Offered as a full-day activity (1 to 4 groups).
Suggested schedule: from 9 am to 2:15 pm (adjustable to your needs)

Per child, full day: $17.25 + taxes

Free for teachers and chaperones, maximum three per group.

* Our activities are part of the Culture in School program and can be funded.


  • A maximum of 30 students per group is allowed.
  • Indoor spaces are reserved for the lunch period during the full-day program.
  • The activities take place outdoors and may be rescheduled in case of inclement weather.

For more information, contact us at 450 698-3133 ext. 250 or at

Valide selon le type d’activité que vous sélectionnez

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Avis aux visiteurs, un événement sportif ( la course  en sentier : Au Rythme De Nos Foulées) aura lieu dans les sentiers du refuge faunique ce dimanche 3 novembre, en avant-midi. 

Durant cette course sportive, il y aura un achalandage accru dans les sentiers et la priorité sera donnée aux coureurs.

N’hésitez pas à encourager les sportifs lors de votre visite!

Prévoyez votre visite en covoiturant ou en utilisant le stationnement incitatif du Collège Héritage.

Funding Month

Du 3 mai au 5 juin 2024,
contribuez à la conservation des milieux naturels